5 reasons why you should be sharing your gaming clips on Zuvvii

4 min readMay 17, 2020


Zuvvii is simply a social media platform for gamers to share their short clips with other gamers. The platform is built and tailored around what the gaming community want to see and is not saturated with non-gaming related content. You’re probably wondering why you should use our platform rather than posting your clips on Reddit, Twitter or Instagram, right?

Understandably, the alternative platforms that I mentioned above are probably much more appealing in regard to how established they are and the number of users that they have. We understand that and don’t expect you to stop posting on other platforms! Here we have five reasons why you may want to consider posting your clips on Zuvvii, as well as others.

1. Share with an audience that actually cares.

As we mentioned earlier, other platforms are completely saturated with literally any content. You can post absolutely anything on any social media platform and that’s fine. But really, does your aunt Sue and uncle Kevin really care about seeing your Fortnite rocket ride on Instagram? Probably not.

The audience that you will be sharing your content with on Zuvvii will be 100% gamers as it is exclusively made for sharing gaming clips. This means that everyone who is using Zuvvii is using the platform for the same reasons and therefore, will naturally increase the engagement rates. Aunt Sue never liked or commented on one of your Fortnite clips. Point proven!

2. Grow your audience on other platforms.

Our vision at Zuvvii is not to stop gamers posting content on other platforms and only ever use our platform. In fact, it’s actually quite the opposite.

Many of us would love to make a career from gaming, it would be a dream come true. We want to support these dreams by helping the smaller content creators and talented gamers be noticed. To do this, we encourage users to link their other social media profiles within their Zuvvii profile. If a user is browsing through your clips and they like what they see, they will be able to click on your Youtube channel or Twitch stream extremely easily, helping you get the attention that you deserve.

Get noticed on all platforms!

3. A simple process to share clips.

Even if you are only sharing your gaming clips to show a couple of friends, the upload process is an extremely important feature and we recognise that we need to make this as convenient as possible for you. We’ve been actively speaking to the gaming community and understand that sharing clips on other platforms or on apps such as WhatsApp can sometimes become a long winded and messy process.

Zuvvii allows you to access your clips from within the Zuvvii app. Once you have connected your Xbox or Playstation profile, or given us access to your mobile gallery, we create a super convenient user experience. Simply select your clip, make some edits and post! It really is that simple.

4. Make your talents noticed.

As well as becoming content creators, we know that many of you have what it takes to become an esports star. The problem is, it can be extremely difficult to be recognised by a team when so many people are uploading content on these saturated platforms. There is no easy way for esports scouts to find the people they are looking for!

One of the ways we are looking to combat this issue is through the Zuvvii leaderboards. Our leaderboards are designed so that people can find the hottest content on the platform. You’re probably thinking, the users with the most followers will be the ones at the top of the leaderboards? Wrong! We purposely build multiple leaderboards with ‘follower’ requirements to ensure that everybody has an equal chance to shine!

Scenes from the biggest esports event of 2019.

5. I don’t have time to stream or edit my videos.

We know that this is a problem for many aspiring content creators out there. Streaming for eight hours a day or spending two hours editing that perfect video isn’t always possible. This is why we think Zuvvii is perfectly suited for you as the barrier to entry is minimal.

You can become a recognised Zuvvii content creator by simply uploading your best clips and using our easy to use, in-app editing tools. All of a sudden, you don’t have to stream all day every day, or learn how to edit montages to become a gaming content creator!


In our eyes, Zuvvii is a great opportunity for many people to have a fresh start on a platform that is ready to disrupt the gaming industry. There is no denying that the gaming space is continuing to grow year after year, with esports set to become the second largest sports viewership in the U.S!

We have a lot of big plans for Zuvvii over the next six months, so make sure you sign up to our monthly newsletter at zuvvi.com to stay up to date and be involved in our early access (beta) rounds. Think about it, what have you got to lose?

You can also follow us on all social media platforms here.
Be sure to click the link above and join our Discord community where we talk gaming, give progress updates and hear your suggestions & feedback!

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you again soon!

The Zuvvii Team.

© Zuvvii 2020.

